You Searched For: Phenol : Chloroform : iso-Amyl alcohol

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Catalog Number: (97064-744)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Phenol Chloroform 5:1 Solution. An optimised mixture that can be used directly to replace the phenol and chloroform recommended in the one-step phenol purification method.

Supplier: VWR
Description: Phenol:Chloroform pH 6.7/8.0 is premixed with isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). A Phenol : Chloroform mixture is ideal for the extraction of protein from DNA preparations. Packaged at pH 6.7, this product is accompanied by a separate alkaline buffer for increasing the pH to 8.0. Doubly distilled, high purity phenol packaged under nitrogen. Safer, easier alternative to crystalline phenol.
Catalog Number: (97064-712)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Phenol / Chloroform #2- A 25:24:1 mixture of phenol, chloroform, and isoamyl alcohol useful for preparing RNA with maximal recovery of poly (A+) RNA for subsequent mRNA purification and generation of cDNA.

Supplier: VWR
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: For DNA applications (pH 8.0 ±0.2) and DNA/RNA applications (pH 6.7 ±0.2). Buffer saturated solution composed of the following ratio of reagents: 25 phenol:24 chloroform:1 isoamyl alcohol. Additional buffer bottle included to alter final pH.
Description: Phenol : chloroform : iso-amyl alcohol (25:24:1) saturated with 100 mM Tris-EDTA to pH 8.0 stabilized for molecular biology DNase-, RNase-, protease-free pH 7.8-8.2

Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl alcohol 25:24:1 is used in the extraction of DNA for the generation of DNA minisatellite fingerprints. It is also used for purifying RNA.
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific Chemicals Inc.
Description: Used for nucleic acid extraction and purification.

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