Free samples available

A sampling program has been set up for you! We all know that you need the best material for your experiment, thus Polyplus-transfection® enables you to test its reagents for free on your own cells.

Try any of these reagents for free!

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Product selection

jetOPTIMUS® Best-in-class DNA transfection reagent

jetOPTIMUS® transfection reagent improves cellular uptake and endosomal escape of DNA in cells (even in hard-to-transfect cells) resulting in higher transfection efficiency.

jetPRIME® Versatile DNA/siRNA transfection reagent

jetPRIME is a powerful and versatile DNA and siRNA transfection reagent for day-to-day experiments that leads to efficient and reliable results.

INTERFERin® siRNA/miRNA transfection reagent

INTERFERin provides high silencing efficiency at low concentration of siRNA/miRNA that enables to avoid off-target effects. Its gentle mode of action ensure more robust data and excellent cell viability,

jetMESSENGER™ mRNA transfection reagent

jetMESSENGER enables transfection in hard to transfect cells using mRNA. Take your gene expression to the next level by switching to mRNA!