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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX™ small RNA-sequence kit V4 enables labs to reduce bias in their Illumina® small RNA-sequence workflows while leveraging a completely gel-free protocol, even with low input samples.

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Catalog Number: (77448-068)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The DOPlify® WGA V2 kit performs fast whole genome amplification on single cells or limited template DNA samples, allowing for the cell chromosome copy number status to be determined.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: NEXTFLEX™ poly(A) beads 2.0 kits offer a convenient method for obtaining pure, intact mRNA upstream of RNA-sequence library prep with improved mRNA yields, low rRNA contamination and a simple protocol.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX® RiboNaut™ rRNA depletion kit (HMR) effectively removes rRNAs from mammalian total RNA while enabling labs to find additional RNA species in a sample, not only limited to intact mRNAs.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: NEXTFLEX® Human core exome V2 (CES) panel is designed to overcome the limitations of analyzing genetic variants of interest with respect to conventional whole-exome sequencing.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX® Unique dual index barcodes are barcoded adapters that can be used with single or paired-end read sequencing library prep kits  designed for sequencing on Illumina® platforms workflows.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX® 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Sequence kit is designed to prepare multiplexed amplicon libraries that span the hypervariable domains one to three (V1-V3) of microbial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes.

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Catalog Number: (77661-494)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: Revvity 226 filter paper sheets for component of medical device, blank device component.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX® Rapid directional RNA-Sequence kit 2.0 is designed to prepare directional, strand specific RNA libraries for sequencing using Illumina® sequencers.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX™ universal blockers block non-specific hybridization, enhancing specificity and reducing sequencing costs. They are compatible with all ligation and tagmentation workflows for Illumina®

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Catalog Number: (77661-490)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: Collection of dried blood spots for newborn screening only - distributed in the USA.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX™ UDI-UMI Barcodes consist of 96 unique dual-index (UDI) barcodes, each with a 10-base pair UDI and a 9-base pair unique molecular identifier (UMI). These adapters are designed for multiplexing both DNA and RNA NGS libraries on all Illumina® and Element® sequencers and are compatible with any TruSeq® style library prep kit.

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Catalog Number: (77661-492)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: Revvity 226 filter paper sheets for component of medical device, blank device component.

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Catalog Number: (77661-498)
Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: Revvity 226 filter paper sheets for component of medical device.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX™ RNA-sequence 2.0 UDI barcodes are designed to prepare multiplexed single and paired-end cDNA libraries from total RNA, mRNA-enriched RNA or rRNA-depleted RNA for Illumina platforms.

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Supplier: PerkinElmer
Description: The NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-seq 2.0 kit is designed to prepare multiplexed libraries for single or paired-end sequencing using Illumina® platforms from fragmented DNA.

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