NEXTFLEX™ Rapid XP V2 DNA-Sequence Kits
Supplier: REVVITY HEALTH SCIENCES, INC.Total Ratings: 0
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The NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA-sequence kit offers a simplified DNA-seq library prep workflow for Illumina® platforms. Libraries produced using this kit are normalized during library construction.
- Fully automated normalization and fragmentation
- Enzymatic fragmentation with end-repair and A-tailing in one reaction
- Highly efficient ligation with low adapter dimer formation
- Efficient: Automated on the Sciclone® and Zephyr® NGS workstations for mid-high throughput automation and now on the BioQule™ NGS System for low throughput labs
The NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA-seq kit includes proprietary NEXTFLEX® normalization beads, which provide a consistent mass and sequencing cluster density for all samples in a library pool. This shortens the time needed for quantification and pooling preparation for sequencing in a high throughput lab by up to 3 hours per 96 samples. The NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-seq kit offers a streamlined workflow with highly efficient ligation, generating low amount of adapter dimers even at low input concentrations.
The NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit is compatible with multiple liquid handlers, including the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation, Sciclone G3 NGSx iQ™ workstation, and Zephyr NGS workstation. For low throughput automation, the NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit is also now automated on the BioQule™ NGS System which simplifies both library prep and quantitation. This low-cost, benchtop instrument delivers libraries ready to load into your sequencer with only 15 minutes of hands-on time.
Certifications: Manufactured in ISO 9001 facility.
Caution: For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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