Ward's Pure Preserved™ Specimens Frequently Asked Questions

Because there are no volatile organic compounds, you should be able to routinely and safely dispose of specimens. When you are done with your Ward's Pure Preserved Specimens, simply dispose of them in your daily refuse container. Before disposing, always check with your school or district for specific state disposal requirements.

You may download an SDS at wardsci.com or contact the Ward's Science Plus Us team at sciencehelp@vwr.com or call 866-260-0501

The Ward's Science Plus Us team of science and education experts is here to help you, from our science lab to your. To speak one-on-one with our team for product technical support, questions, or customer requests, email sciencehelp@vwr.com

Yes, you may store Ward's Pure Preserved Specimens in their original packaging for at least six and up to twelve months. After opening, specimens will last up to several months as long as you apply mold inhibitor and keep them sealed.

No. These chemicals are never used with our specimens.

A "single injection" is an injection done with red latex, only, in the arterial system.

A "double injection" has a blue injection added to delineate the systemic veins.

A "triple injection" has yellow latex injected to show the hepatic portal system (veins of the digestive tract) in addition to the other two.

A "plain" specimen does not have any injection.

The injections are done to more clearly show the elements of the circulatory system. Red latex delineates the arteries, blue the systemic veins, and yellow the vessels of the hepatic portal system.

Our proprietary Ward's Pure™ odor and chemical-neutralizing process does not mask or "cover up" formalin and chemical off gassing with other chemicals like acetone - it simply seeks out formalin particles and neutralizes them, removing ALL odors and chemicals, and leaving the specimen virtually scent-free and "safe."

During preliminary testing by science educators in real-life science classrooms, many teachers described Ward's Pure Preserved specimens as smelling like "nothing,"or "not much at all." This is in stark contrast to other competitor's specimens which have been described as smelling like acetone, formalin, or having a "sweet" or "unnatural" smell.

Ward's Pure Preserved Specimens are formalin-fixed specimens that have been treated with our proprietary Ward's Pure™ odor and chemical-neutralizing process to virtually eliminate all harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are disruptive chemicals such as acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, and more. This process virtually eliminates odor and harmful chemical off gassing while keeping the high-quality fixation intact. The result is an odorless, student-safe specimen that is true to life and natural in look and feel.

Unlike textbooks, simulations, or software, preserved dissection specimens allow students to see, touch, and learn about living systems firsthand, resulting in deeper understanding and long-lasting connections to other biology concepts and topics.

Please see NSTA statement: Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom