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Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Vector PCX provides the selectivity and sensitivity required for most standard post-column applications while being reliable and easy to use. Since Vector PCX does not have a column oven it is important to use the HPLC column oven to ensure stable column temperature and prevent retention time drifts and separation problems.

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Removes metal ions from column and guard. 250 mL/bottle.


Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: This is an pesticide and herbicide analysis kit

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: A prepared Reagent for Automated Post-column Derivatization of Primary and Secondary Amines

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Plastic ferrule fittings.

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Pickering Laboratories offers the only instrumentation optimized for the analysis of amino acids, carbamates, glyphosate, mycotoxins, antibiotics and many other applications. Each component is specifically designed to enhance sensitivity and selectivity. Only Pickering Laboratories offers complete application support, including chemicals, columns, methods and post-column systems.

Catalog Number: (102465-390)
Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Artificial eccrine perspiration is a ready-to-use solution and is the closest mimic to true human eccrine sweat.

Catalog Number: (100359-080)
Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Clear tubing for one and two pump system.

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: 1/16"" OD X 0.010"" ID, 90 cm.

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: Inner PEEK tubing for Vector PCX.

Catalog Number: (100358-717)
Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: A prepared Reagent for Automated Post-column Derivatization of Primary and Secondary Amines


Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: with cap

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: The Artificial Saliva products are prepared according to either DIN 53160, AFNOR NF S91-141, or the FUSAYAMA/MEYER Artificial Saliva formulations for testing of dental metal alloys and colorfastness of oral products.

Supplier: Pickering Labs
Description: 1150 psi at 0.3 mL/min, 20 cm.

Catalog Number: (102465-382)
Supplier: Pickering Labs

Catalog Number: (102465-394)
Supplier: Pickering Labs

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