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Catalog Number: (104085-260)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Standard solution for chloride determination by argentometric burette titration.

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Catalog Number: (104086-696)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Potassium hydroxide 8 mol/L (8 N) in aqueous solution

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Catalog Number: (104085-616)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Oxidation-reduction indicator solution used in determination of COD by ferrous titration.

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Buffers traceable to IUPAC/NIST pH scale.

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: pH indicator for alkalinity determination by titration

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Accessories for pH Testers, Pocket Pro+

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Catalog Number: (104085-566)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: pH Indicator for acidity titrations

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: The TL23 series benchtop turbidimeters for a wide range of turbidity applications feature the trusted technology of Hach’s legacy benchtop turbidimeters and improved functionality to simplify testing.

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Catalog Number: (104086-250)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: The SLYM-BARTs can be used as a P/A test capable of indicating to some extent the possible population size and the types of slime-forming organisms present in the water sample. Slime-forming bacteria are able to produce copious amounts of slime without necessarily having to use any iron. Iron bacteria also produce slime, but usually it is thinner and involves the accumulation of various forms of iron. BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence of process disruptors, such as bacteria creating slime layers and limiting disinfection.

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Accessories for Laboratory Turbidimeters, Hach

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Catalog Number: (104085-710)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Ferric Chloride-Sulfuric Acid Solution for determination of volatile acids by the esterification method.

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Accessories for Ion Selective Electrodes (Ammonia) for HQd Meter

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Catalog Number: (104086-880)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: Heavy black enamel, cast iron base and zinc-plated rod.

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Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: A multi-parameter test kit for hardness, iron and pH, which provides an easy-to-use, cost effective way to determine the quality of water.

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Catalog Number: (104086-134)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: A simple, economical and rapid visual color determination kit.

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Catalog Number: (104085-692)
Supplier: HACH CO MS
Description: The test kit is suitable for measuring the effectiveness of cyanide removal from waste effluents of metal-cleaning and electroplating baths and various other chemical processes through alkaline or neutral chlorination procedures. Not suitable for complexed cyanides.

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