You Searched For: A.Grittmann GmbH & Co KG

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Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Disposable paraffin molds are designed to "Peel-A-Way" from the solidified embedded block

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (87001-890)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Methanol-free. Suitable for both electron and light microscopy, formaldehyde easily penetrates large blocks of tissue and can be used in combination with glutaraldehyde to fix delicate tissues. Source of formaldehyde is paraformaldehyde.

Catalog Number: (87001-902)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Water soluble, non-fluorescing mounting medium formulated for mounting sections from aqueous solutions, frozen sections, and special procedures that will not tolerate alcohols or solvents

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (87001-896)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Protein conjugated microspheres are offered as: antibodies, Protein A, and Protein G covalently coupled to fluorescent YG, non-fluorescent, and blue dyed polystyrene microspheres

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: This stain binds specifically to collagen fibrils of varying diameter to distinguish collagen type I from type III

Catalog Number: (10818-624)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: The Fungi Fluor® Pneumocystis Kit offers a fast, fluorescent staining procedure for Pneumocystis jiroveci in bronchial specimens.

Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Rectangular glass coverslips made of Borosilicate glass. Ideal coverslip for various methods, including routine and special stains, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (87001-904)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Methanol-free. Suitable for both electron and light microscopy, formaldehyde easily penetrates large blocks of tissue and can be used in combination with glutaraldehyde to fix delicate tissues. Source of formaldehyde is paraformaldehyde.

SDS Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (87001-892)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Polybead® microspheres are ideally suited for protein binding using passive adsorption techniques.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (10819-090)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: The Fungi-Fluor® Kit for Fungal Detection offers a quick fluorescent stain/counterstain procedure for various fungal organisms

Catalog Number: (75805-994)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Luxol fast blue, ready-to-use, is used to stain myelin and phospholipids.

Catalog Number: (87001-894)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Cationic polymer

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (87001-906)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: For flow cytometry standards

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (87001-922)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Gold Standard Gill's #2 should be used when a stronger or darker nuclear stain is required for cytology samples or for immunohistochemical counterstaining.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Molecular Weight: 10,000 (bPEI 10000)
Density: 1.029-1.038
Viscosity: 40,000 - 150,000 cps
Soluble In: water, lower alcohols, glycols, and THF
Resin Content (wt%): 99%
Appearance: clear light yellow viscous liquid


Catalog Number: (87001-921)
Supplier: Polysciences Inc
Description: Prussian Blue or Perls’ reaction is used to demonstrate ferric iron and ferritin

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