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Catalog Number: (76081-770)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: <B>Simple, rapid extraction (no purification) of PCR-ready DNA from challenging FFPE tissue samples </B>

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: EconoTaq® PLUS GREEN & EconoTaq PLUS 2X Master Mixes offer superior performance, convenience, reliability, and value for routine PCR

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Quickly purify high yields of high-molecular-weight genomic DNA, total cellular RNA or Total Nucleic Acid (TNA) with one kit

Catalog Number: (75928-118)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: An optimized, complete system for the production of full-length cDNA from low amounts of total RNA.

Catalog Number: (76081-718)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Cleave any DNA containing dUTP in place of dTTP

Catalog Number: (76085-632)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Digest duplex DNA in a 3´ to 5´ direction from a nick, blunt end, or 3´-recessed end, producing stretches of ssDNA

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Clone large plasmids with high efficiency.

Catalog Number: (76081-710)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Polyadenylate 3' ends of RNA molecules for various downstream applications

Catalog Number: (76081-708)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Phosphorylate 5' hydroxy ends of ssDNA and dsDNA, RNA, and nucleoside 3´ monophosphates

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Cited in over 350 research articles, Lucigen’s OverExpress C41(DE3) and C43(DE3) Competent Cells are highly effective in expressing toxic and membrane proteins

Catalog Number: (97065-188)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Lucigen’s NxGen™ T7 RNA Polymerase is superior in transcription reliability.

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Generate highly complex, Illumina-compatible DNA fragment libraries with ≥50 pg of DNA with this quick and easy kit


Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Fast, sensitive DNA LAMP assays in a fully optimizable kit format.

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Rapid RNA detection with this fully optimizable RNA LAMP (RT-LAMP) component kit.

Catalog Number: (76081-694)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Purify high yields of quality genomic DNA from yeast with this easy to use kit

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Generate high efficiency next generation sequencing (NGS) DNA fragment libraries for Illumina sequencers starting with only 75 ng of sheared DNA input using this fast, PCR-free DNA library preparation kit.

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