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Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: ECL Direct™ nucleic acid labelling and detection systems are based on the direct labelling of DNA or RNA probes with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in a simple 20 minute chemical reaction. The resulting probe can be used without purification. Detection is achieved by generation of light via the HRP-catalysed breakdown of luminol. Suitable for fast and easy detection of medium to high target amounts in applications such as colony/plaque screens, dot blots and PCR product analyses.
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Hydrazide esters provide a convenient method for the labelling of free carbonyl groups of glycoproteins and carbohydrates. For maximum convenience, stable active hydrazide esters are supplied and stored as solid material.

Catalog Number: (89129-110)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: DIGE buffer kit is a tool to increase the quality, reproducibility, and convenience of 2-D DIGE using the Ettan™ DIGE system. The DIGE buffer kit is a specially designed two-buffer system for running up to twelve DIGE gels simultaneously.

SDS Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (95017-305)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Fast, affordable, high-recovery desalting and buffer exchange, as well as removal of low-molecular weight compounds packed with Sephadex G-25 Medium, LabMate buffer reservoir makes it easier and more convenient to equilibrate PD-10 columns.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Con A Sepharose is Concanavalin A coupled to Sepharose 4B by the cyanogen bromide method.
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: For rapid purification of labelled DNA (≥20 bases) from unincorporated labelled nucleotides in a volume of 25 to 50 μl using spin column chromatography.
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: UV module, AKTA start is equipped with a UV monitor to continuously measure the absorbance of the liquid in the UV flow cell at a fixed wavelength (280 nm), Incorporates durable and reliable LED technology that is ready-to-use without any warm-up time.

Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Hybond™ ECL™ gives excellent sensitivity, resolution, and low background for all labelling and detection systems (radioactive, non radioactive, and chromogenic), especially when used with ECL™, ECL™ Prime, and ECL™ Plex Western Blotting Detection kits and reagents. Special packaging features include interleaf on both sides of the membrane and air-tight resealable aluminium bag with label space for marking the 'opened on' date.
Catalog Number: (95056-072)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: MAbTrap Kit is an affinity chromatography kit for fast and effective purification of monoclonal and polyclonal IgG from ascites fluid, serum, and cell culture supernatants.

Catalog Number: (89497-398)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Ettan™ IPGphor™ 3 is a fully integrated isoelectric focusing (IEF) system optimized to deliver high throughput, speed, reproducibility and high protein-loading capacity.

SDS Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (95044-688)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: Notched divider plates pair two gel sandwiches to form a club sandwich, so that up to four gels can be run at one time.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: NAP Columns are disposable columns, prepacked with Sephadex G-25 DNA Grade, that require only gravity to run.
Catalog Number: (95017-116)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: SDS is an ionic detergent used to solubilize proteins. The PlusOne SDS reagent is carefully controlled for carbon chain length and overall quality.

Catalog Number: (10498-012)
Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: The Screw Lid Kit is a bottle-top attachment for buffer bottles used with AKTA systems.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: GE Healthcare - Life Sciences
Description: HisTrap FF is a ready-to-use column, prepacked with precharged Ni Sepharose 6 Fast Flow for preparative purification of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC).
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