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Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: The Therapak® range of insulated shippers features five popular cooler sizes that are inventoried at two locations in the United States in order to provide a maximum three day ground or truck shipment turnaround to any point in the Continental U.S. The two facility approach offers freight economies to Eastern, Central, and Western region shipping points. Warehouses are located in Buford, Georgia and Claremont, California.
Supplier: Therapak, LLC

Catalog Number: (10029-258)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: The ambient transport system for blood and urine tube transport includes medium 95kPa canister, Aqui-Pak™ segmented absorbent pouch, cushioning material, list of contents card, biohazard symbol label, Biological Substance Category B label, and medium transport box.

Catalog Number: (10029-294)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Refrigerated Shipping System includes: transport box (OD: 11x9x11"), small cooler (ID: 8x6x8"), 95kPa bag, Aqui-Pak™ segmented absorbent pouch, 8 oz

Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: These tamper evident seals are used for chain of custody procedures in drug testing

Catalog Number: (89171-120)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: When combined with shipping boxes, specimen bags or insulated shippers, this foam tube rack provides cushioning and protection for 13x75mm tubes.

Catalog Number: (89170-924)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Designed to capture renal calculi and intended for use with patients attempting to pass stones following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

Catalog Number: (89170-938)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Aqui-Pad™ is specifically designed for use on the laboratory benchtop to absorb spills or drops of aqueous liquid during routine lab work

Catalog Number: (10029-404)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: EHS shipping systems for frozen specimens feature Therapak®'s standard small insulated cooler (ID: 8 x 6 x 8”) and box (OD: 11 x 9 x 11”) with a Class 9 Dry Ice label, making it ideal for overnight shipments.

Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Aqui-Pak™ was designed for the safe transport of laboratory specimen tubes by keeping the tubes separate and providing cushioning at the same time.

Catalog Number: (10029-264)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: The ambient transport system for blood and urine tube transport includes: 95kPa bag, Aqui-Pak™ segmented absorbent pouch, cushioning material, list of contents card, biohazard symbol label, Biological Substance Category B label, and medium transport box.

Catalog Number: (10029-272)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Frozen specimen shipping system includes: transport box (OD: 15x13x12") , medium cooler (ID: 12x10x9"), 3" cryogenic vial box, absorbent pad, cushioning material, list of contents card, dry ice label, and required labels for IATA PI650 marking and compliance

Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Gel Refrigerant Packs, 0°C (32°F), are an economical alternative to wet ice commonly used as cold packs in conjunction with insulated shippers for transporting laboratory specimens.

Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Designed for the international transport of specimens, these canisters can be used with primary containers, absorbent materials, and a rigid outer container such as a box to conform to IATA Packing Instruction 650 for Biological Substances.

Catalog Number: (89171-048)
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: These 6×9" polyethylene specimen bags feature a removable, adhesive release liner that secures specimen containers in a liquid-tight primary pouch.

Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Description: Ambient Gel Wraps may be used as a wrap-around barrier to insulate valuable samples such as clinical trial specimen tubes, or other evacuated blood tubes and serum transport vials.

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Stock for this item is limited, but may be available in a warehouse close to you. Please make sure that you are logged in to the site so that available stock can be displayed. If the call is still displayed and you need assistance, please call us at 1-800-932-5000.
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  • State issued document with your organization's Federal Tax ID Number
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  • Any other ID issued by the State that includes the business name and address

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