Venusil XBP C18 HPLC Columns, Bonna-Agela Technologies

Supplier: Agela Technologies
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VX931502-0 VX950302-0 VX951005-0 VX952505-0 VX930302-0 VX930502-0 VX930505-0 VX931002-0 VX931005-0 VX931505-0 VX950502-0 VX950505-0 VX951002-0 VX951502-0 VX951505-0 VX952005-0
97023-304EA 1358.46 USD
97023-304 97023-316 97023-340 97023-356 97024-312 97024-320 97024-324 97024-328 97024-336 97024-342 97024-356 97024-368 97024-374 97024-392 97024-404 97024-414
Venusil XBP C18 HPLC Columns, Bonna-Agela Technologies
Chromatography Columns
Venusil XBP C18 columns offer the maximum bonding density, and therefore provide the highest hydrophobicity (the lowest polarity).

  • Broad pH range (1.5 to 10.0 )
  • Low pH, 0.2% TFA, high pH, 0.010 M triethylamine
  • Surface: 380m²/g
  • Pore Size: 100Å

Columns offer unmatched inertness, resulting in one of the most base-friendly columns available. These highly efficient columns are excellent at any applicable pH. They enable large volume injection, and maintain very high efficiency with very large injection volumes.

This allows for the least interaction between the analytes and the silanol groups. Venusil XBP columns have extraordinary column stability at high pHs.
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