Correlating Sedimentary Strata Kit

Supplier: Lab-Aids
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443S 443SEL
470012-490KT 103.4 USD
470012-490 470012-492
Correlating Sedimentary Strata Kit
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Landforms Learning Activities
View Sequence of Rock Layers In Different Locations

Illustrate the law of superposition in determining the relative ages of rock layers. In this activity, four simulated drill cores represent a series of rock layers from different locations. Students use the evidence from each drill core to create a stratigraphic column for each locality. Then, using the fossils within each layer, students learn that similar sequences of rock layers, including the fossils within them, are found in different geographical areas despite their distance from each other. Students are also challenged to construct a timeline showing the relative time spans of each fossil found. Includes a teacher’s guide and student worksheets.
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