OmniPrep™ for Genomic DNA Purification, G-Biosciences

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95029-204EA 375.32 USD
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OmniPrep™ for Genomic DNA Purification, G-Biosciences
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

G-Biosciences' OmniPrep™ genomic DNA kits are for the extraction of ultra pure, high quality 100kb genomic DNA and are suitable for all downstream applications

G-Biosciences' OmniPrep™ kit isolates high quality genomic DNA from many different species and tissue types including animal, plant, bacteria, yeast, fungi, whole blood, and cells in culture. DNA can be isolated from samples high in polysaccharides or other contaminants that are difficult to remove from the DNA preparations.

G-Biosciences' OmniPrep™ for Blood kit isolates high quality genomic DNA from blood samples, including whole blood, buffy coats, packed cells and bone marrow. The OmniPrep™ for Plant kit isolates high quality genomic DNA from plant samples, including fresh and frozen plant tissues. The OmniPrep™ for Tissue kit has been modified to specifically isolate high quality genomic DNA from tissue samples, including fresh, frozen, fixed or paraffin-embedded tissue. The kit isolates DNA from bodily fluids, including plasma, serum, amniotic fluid, semen and CSF. Also isolates high quality DNA from cultured cells, non-mammalian nucleated blood and gram-negative bacteria.

G-Biosciences’ OmniPrep™ for Gram Positive Bacteria kit is supplied with LongLife™ Lysozyme for rapid digestion of bacteria cell walls and DNA release. The OmniPrep™ for Fungi kit is supplied with Molecular Grinding Resin™ for the rapid release of DNA from the fungal tissue. The OmniPrep™ for Yeast kit is supplied with a Yeast Suspension Buffer and LongLife™ Zymolyase® for the rapid resuspension and digestion of the yeast cell walls. The OmniPrep™ for Mouse Tail kit is supplied with LongLife™ Proteinase K for the rapid release of DNA from the tough mouse tail tissue.

Theses kits are fully scalable for large genomic DNA isolations. The OmniPrep™ kits isolate high purity (A₂₆₀/A₂₈₀ ratios of 1.8 to 2.0) genomic DNA in 20-40 minutes. The kits use a rapid precipitation technique that uses unique precipitation reagents to isolate genomic DNA free from proteins and RNA. No toxic chemicals, no phenol, no hazardous waste.

Ordering information: Accessories available.

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