CHEMSTAR™ Vacuum Pumps, Welch®

Supplier: Welch Vacuum
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1400N-01 1402N-01 1376N-01
54994-050EA 5181.76 USD
54994-050 54994-052 54993-550
CHEMSTAR™ Vacuum Pumps, Welch®
Pumps Vacuum Pumps
Corrosive gases, such as HCl, HBr, Br2, Cl2, and F3CCO2H, are commonly used for peptide chemistry, molecular biology, and biochemistry applications

CHEMSTAR™ pumps resist corrosion and handle corrosive gases to pressures below 1 torr. They feature nitrogen purge capability, high contamination tolerance, low speeds for low wear, and inert components. CHEMSTAR™ pumps have an ultimate pressure of 1 x 10-4 torr. Contoured, molded belt-guard and base on 54994-052 and 54993-550 are uniquely designed for quieter operation and prevent visible oil weeping at seal.
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