Steel Acid/Corrosive Storage Cabinets, Eagle Manufacturing

Supplier: Eagle Manufacturing
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56610-408EA 2058.79 USD
56610-408 56610-425 56610-436 56610-447 56610-458 56610-462 56618-570 56618-574
Steel Acid/Corrosive Storage Cabinets, Eagle Manufacturing
Furniture Storage Cabinets
Made specifically for small containers up to 18.9 L (5 gal.), these cabinets safely store flammable and nonflammable acids and corrosive liquids.

  • Cabinet is labeled 'CAUTION CORROSIVES' in three languages (English, Spanish, French)
  • Cabinets are constructed of tough, 18-gauge steel
  • Double-wall design and 3.8 cm (1¹/₂") air space between walls

Both upper and lower vents have fire baffles plus grounding attachments, three-point key lock, and 5.1 cm (2") raised, leakproof door sills. Interior and exterior surfaces, including shelves, feature a blue epoxy powder coating for protection from chemical spills. For additional protection, cabinets are supplied with polyethylene trays for the shelves and cabinet bottom.

The stackable 56.8 L (15 gal.) cabinet is perfect for small work areas with limited space. Stack on top of each other or on top of a 113.4 L (30 gal.) or 170.3 L (45 gal.) model. Sliding door models are self-closing with a fusible link.

Certifications: All cabinets meet OSHA and NFPA Code 30 specifications. Models with a capacity of 113.6 L (30 gal.) to 227.1 L (60 gal.) are FM approved.

Caution: Nitric and sulfuric acids should not be stored in these cabinets.
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