Linear Stimulus Isolators, A395

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A395RC SYS-A395D SYS-A395R
77664-000EA 5284.09 USD
77664-000 77665-182 77665-184
Linear Stimulus Isolators, A395
Electrical Meters Voltmeters
A395 generates a user-defined output current of wave shape; DC, AC, pulse and combinations. Battery operated, photoelectrically isolated from the input voltage drive, the instrument regenerates output currents which are linearly proportional to the analog voltage waveforms provided by your D/A converter or signal generator.

  • Creates a constant current replica of analog waveforms
  • Amplitude of the output current is voltage controlled
  • Input voltage from –10 to +10 V
  • Three current ranges from 100 μA to 10 mA
  • Built-in test resistors
  • Digital display shows current being delivered for non-varying currents of adequate duration
  • Output offset adjustment ±70 V compliance range
  • Choose batteries: NiMH with Charger (A395RC), Alkaline (SYS-A395D), NiMH (SYS-A395R)

Amplitude of current is voltage controlled
Built-in test resistances
Error LEDs illuminate when current is less than commanded by control voltage

Applications: Neuroscience

Output current ranges: 100 μA, 1 mA, and 10 mA
Output bandwidth: 10 kHz
Input resistance: >20 MΩ
Output voltage range: ±70 V
Input voltage: ±10 V
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