Pneumatic Quick-Disconnect Lockout, Brady Worldwide®

Supplier: Brady Worldwide
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64221 65645
12222-821EA 58.69 USD
12222-821 12222-824
Pneumatic Quick-Disconnect Lockout, Brady Worldwide®
Security Locks
Isolates pneumatic energy without the expense and inconvenience of installing in-line lockout valves

Device is applied to the male fitting, isolating equipment from all compressed air sources. Accommodates the majority of 6mm (1/4"), 10mm (3/8"), and 13mm (1/2") male fittings. Hole in center of device allows for permanent storage on an air hose and a loop on the side can be used to hang the hose and lockout device. Lockout accepts padlocks with 6mm (1/4") or 7mm (9/32") shackles.
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