Extran® 300 Liquid Detergent for Manual Washing, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
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EX0996-1 EX0996-2 EX0996-2 EX0996-20 EX0996-7 EX0996-1
CAEX0996-1CS 1182.48 USD
CAEX0996-1 CAEX0996-2 EM-EX0996-2 EM-EX0996-20 EM-EX0996-7 EM-EX0996-1
Extran® 300 Liquid Detergent for Manual Washing, MilliporeSigma
Cleaning Agents Detergents and Surface Cleansers
When diluted with water, concentrates can clean by themselves without leaving residues

Extran 300 Liquid Detergent is a powerful liquid concentrate specially formulated to remove stubborn contamination and burnt-on residues. Especially effective at removing organic materials such as blood and proteins. Phosphate- and halogen-free. Works well in ultrasonic cleaning baths. Can be used on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, ferrous metal, and rubber equipment and apparatus. Dose 10 to 200 mL/L. pH of 1% solution is 10.1.

For routine laboratory applications, no scrubbing is necessary once items are removed from the cleaning bath. For best results, items to be cleaned should be soaked for 2 to 24 hours, and rinsed with distilled water immediately after removal from cleaning bath.

1.07553.2500 is offered as an alternative to EX0994-2. Different Pack Size, Same Specifications.
1.07553.5000 is offered as an alternative to EX0994-4. Different Pack Size, Same Specifications.
1.07553.9025 is offered as an alternative to EX0994-7. Different Pack Size, Same Specifications.
1.07555.5000 is offered as an alternative to EX0993-4. different size, different packaging, same chem spec.
1.07555.9025 is offered as an alternative to EX0993-7. Different Pack Size, Same Specifications.

Extran® MA 03 Liquid Detergent is phosphate-free and safe for use on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, ferrous metals, and rubber equipment and apparatus. Well-suited for cleaning equipment used for the micro-determination of phosphate-based compounds. Dose: 20–200mL per liter. pH of 2% solution: 11.6.
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