KIMAX® Separatory Funnels, Squibb, Pear-Shaped, [ST] Stopper, Full-Length [ST] Joints, with PTFE Stopcock, Kimble Chase, DWK Life Sciences

Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
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29055F-125 29055F-500
89002-130CS 276.92 USD
89002-130 89002-132
KIMAX® Separatory Funnels, Squibb, Pear-Shaped, [ST] Stopper, Full-Length [ST] Joints, with PTFE Stopcock, Kimble Chase, DWK Life Sciences
Funnels Separating Funnels
KIMAX® funnels feature a [ST] ground glass stopper and a PTFE [ST] stopcock

Lower stem is equipped with an I.D. large enough for a column of liquid to “break” with the stopcock closed, thereby giving a more complete separation and eliminating the necessity of emptying the funnel. Full-length [ST] 24/40 joint protects the delivery stem. With a drip tip designed to provide drop counting.
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