Genomic DNA Kits

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
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DNF-467-0500 DNF-468-0500 DNF-270-0240 DNF-270-0500 DNF-488-1000
76645-228EA 1812.45 USD
76645-228 76645-106 76645-104 76645-460 76645-290 76645-374
Genomic DNA Kits
Electrophoresis Systems Capillary Electrophoresis Systems
Genomic DNA quality control of whole genome libraries, including sizing of gDNA extractions.

  • Broad concentration range - The HS gDNA 50 kb kit has a concentration range of 0.3 to 12 ng/µl, while the gDNA 50 kb kit covers 25 to 250 ng/µl
  • High and standard sensitivity kits - Minimize sample dilutions and choose the kit that has the right input concentration range for your needs
  • Reliable Sizing - Sizing range from 75 bp to 60 kb ensures accurate and precise sizing of gDNA samples
  • Low sample volume - Only 1 to 2 µl of sample is required, minimizing sample loss to QC steps

The genomic DNA kits are available for the automated assessment of gDNA sizing and integrity on the fragment analyzer systems. The kits are designed for quality control of gDNA extraction samples used in whole genome sequencing, metagenomics, and large structural variant analysis. They are also suited for the analysis of degraded DNA, such as formalin-fixed parafilm embedded (FFPE) samples.

Sample preparation is simplified by eliminating dilution steps with separate genomic DNA kits for high (HS) and low concentrated gDNA samples. A broad sizing range allows researchers to accurately size gDNA samples through 60 kb.

Caution: For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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