Nasco Healthcare® Economy Visual Training Assistant (VTA)

Supplier: Nasco
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100-2160 100-2160B 100-2161
470348-674EA 387.65 USD
470348-674 470348-686 470348-682
Nasco Healthcare® Economy Visual Training Assistant (VTA)
First Aid Supplies CPR Products
Easy and cost effective.

  • Palpable landmarks
  • Observable chest rise
  • Easy to use VTA

The Econo VTA enables students to train and improve their CPR skills. This CPR trainer has the same look and feel of the lifelike economy Sani-Manikin and is affordable enough for each student to have their own manikin. The simple face shield lung system means no cleaning, disinfecting, or disassembly is required. The features include a head tilt/chin life feature for opening the airway, touch vinyl skin for extended service, and a foam-filled torso for resistance to compressions.

The VTA indication system is easy to understand. A rate light comes on when the correct rate is achieved and a second light comes on to show correct depth with proper release. When the student keeps both lights on, they are delivering quality CPR. Includes three airways and instructions for use.
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