Chlorine (Free & Total), CHEMets Visual Kit, CHEMetrics

Supplier: Gilson International B.V.
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K-2505 R-2500 R-2505 K-2504
CXK-2505EA 156.75 USD
CXK-2505 CXR-2500 CXR-2505 CXK-2504
Chlorine (Free & Total), CHEMets Visual Kit, CHEMetrics
Environmental Test Kits

The test kits for chlorine in water utilize a self-filling ampoule technology that reduces the user’s exposure to chemicals.

  • Ideal for low- to medium-range colorimetric analysis of water quality

CHEMets® test kits utilize self-filling ampules and vacuum pulls the sample up from a snap cup into the ampule when the tip is broken off. After tilting the ampule several times to mix the sample and reagent and waiting for the color to develop (usually 2 minutes or less), the analyst quantifies the result using the provided cylindrical comparator (for concentrations ≤1ppm) or flat comparator (for concentrations ≥1ppm).

Chlorine is a halogen and strong oxidizing agent that is used by many industries as a disinfectant in water. Total chlorine is the sum of free chlorine (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid) and chloramines (also known as combined chlorine) which are formed by the reaction of free chlorine with ammonia. Free chlorine is routinely added to water as a disinfectant (chlorination). Disinfection with monochloramine (chloramination) is an alternative or a supplement to chlorination to maintain long-lived residuals in water distribution pipelines. Chlorine was one of the first chemicals ever used in water treatment and has been in use since the 19th century to treat drinking water. Today, it is also used to treat municipal wastewater, swimming pools and spas.

While both free and combined chlorine act as disinfectants, free chlorine has stronger disinfecting properties. It is therefore advantageous to distinguish between free and combined chlorine in treated waters. In addition, due to the formation of harmful disinfectant byproducts (DPB) it is imperative to closely monitor the residual concentration of chlorine. The Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level for chlorine in drinking water is 4 mg/L. Total water chlorination tests can also be used to determine the total residual oxidizer (TRO) concentration of seawater.

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