HBIO Petri Dish Platinum Electrodes for Tissue Slices Chamber Kita, BTX

Supplier: Harvard Apparatus
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45-0500 45-0510 45-0505 45-0507 45-0509
95062-350EA 4597.2 USD
95062-350 95062-370 95062-360 95062-364 95062-372
HBIO Petri Dish Platinum Electrodes for Tissue Slices Chamber Kita, BTX
Electrodes pH Electrodes
Electrodes and chambers for delicate and/or difficult tissue transfection.

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Compatible with BTX Systems such as Gemini X2 and ECM 2001+
  • Comprised of two parts, glass petri dish and electrode wand
  • Wand, cables included

The Petri dish platinum electrodes are designed for delicate and/or difficult ex vivo tissue transfection. Ex vivo electroporation is an efficient, effective method to introduce genes, drugs or any number of molecules into ex-plant tissues. A common application is mouse brain slice for studying neuronal development. This specialty electrode makes transfection quick and simple and is compatible with the BTX ECM 830, ECM 2001+, Gemini X2 and Legacy ECM 2001 generators.

The electrode is comprised of two parts, the glass petri dish electrode and electrode wand. The glass petri dish contains a square shaped platinum electrode chamber to secure the tissue. The wand incorporates an identical shaped platinum electrode, which is placed over the chamber to complete electroporation. This sandwich configuration ensures a homogeneous field of energy for optimum transfection.
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