TransPorter® Transport Swabs, Amies Gel, Single Swab

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
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4114BX 4110BX
76377-462BX 151.76 USD
76377-462 76377-464
TransPorter® Transport Swabs, Amies Gel, Single Swab
Swabs Transport Swabs
Amies media is Stuart's original media formula modified by replacing the glycerophosphate in the original formula for an inorganic phosphate buffer.

  • Hardy diagnostics offers amies medium in two formats
  • Unique tube shape preserves gel media
  • Maximum gel for anaerobe preservation
  • Available with or without charcoal

The metabolism of glycerophosphate by coliform organisms and other Gram negative rods, in Stuart's original formulation, resulted in proliferation of these organisms from throat, wound, and fecal specimens. Amies also found that NaCl at 0.3% weight/volume was optimal for the preservation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Calcium and magnesium salts were added in the belief that these ions were of importance in controlling the permeability of the bacterial cells and contributed to their survival.

Liquid Amies for aerobic culture Amies agar gel (with and without charcoal) for aerobic and anaerobic culture.

Unique venturi hourglass tube design prevents disintegration or breakdown of gel column during specimen transport and eliminates harmful air bubbles.

5 ml gel column affords maximum protection and improves sample viability.

The presence of charcoal in the medium neutralizes toxins and inhibitory substances. Amies formula with charcoal has been shown to improve the recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and is often recommended for Bordetella pertussis.
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