SURE Competent Cells, Agilent Technologies

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
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200152 200227 200238
ST200152EA 304.95 USD
ST200152 ST200227 ST200238
SURE Competent Cells, Agilent Technologies
Competent Cells
SURE 2 competent cells are ideal for routine cloning of DNA with secondary structures.

  • Lack components of the pathways that catalyze the rearrangement and deletion of nonstandard secondary and tertiary structures
  • Allows for blue-white color screening

Replicating eukaryotic DNA in prokaryotic cells can be problematic. Particular eukaryotic genes may contain inverted repeats or secondary structures, such as Z-DNA, that can be rearranged or deleted by E. coli DNA repair systems.

SURE competent cells are deficient in the E. coli genes involved in the rearrangement and deletion of DNA, thus improving cloning efficiencies of DNA containing irregular structures in prokaryotic cells. SURE cells are restriction minus (McrA-, McrCB-, McrF-, Mrr-, HsdR-) endonuclease (endA) deficient, and recombination (recB recJ) deficient.

Caution: For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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