Cleanert® IC Sample Clean-Up Cartridges for Ion Chromatography, Bonna-Agela Technologies

Supplier: Agela Technologies
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IC-1810 IC-1825 IC-RP10 IC-RP25 IC-P10 IC-P25 IC-A10 IC-H10 IC-H25 IC-NA10 IC-NA25 IC-AG10 IC-AG25 IC-BA10 IC-BA25 IC-M10 IC-M25 IC-AGH10 IC-AGH25 IC-AGNA10 IC-AGNA25
89213-584PK 551.17 USD
89213-584 89213-586 89213-588 89213-590 89213-592 89213-594 89213-596 89213-598 89213-600 89213-602 89213-604 89213-606 89213-608 89213-610 89213-612 89213-614 89213-616 89213-618 89213-620 89213-622 89213-624 89213-626
Cleanert® IC Sample Clean-Up Cartridges for Ion Chromatography, Bonna-Agela Technologies
Chromatography Columns
Cleanert IC series are used for removing matrix interferences such as phenolics, metalions, cations, anions, or hydrophobic substances encountered in many ion chromatography applications.

  • IC cartridges are designed as luer inlet and outlet for easy operation

They can absorb metal ions and reduce interferential ion in the sample, thus prolong the lifetimes of the analytical columns. They also can be used for some trace-level determinations.

They also can connect several cartridges together for complex matrix. The sample solution can be passed through the IC cartridge by syringe, and also by vacuum manifold connected with an empty SPE cartridge as funnel.
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