Rotavapor® R-300 Rotary Evaporator with Controller and V-300 Pump, BUCHI

Supplier: Buchi
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11SR300252VS02 11SR300252VP02 11SR300252CP02 11SR300252VP12
10023-954EA 16981.58 USD
10023-954 10023-956 10023-958 10023-960 10023-970 10808-682
Rotavapor® R-300 Rotary Evaporator with Controller and V-300 Pump, BUCHI
Evaporators Rotary Evaporators
The R-300 meets the highest expectations in convenience and versatility.

  • Intuitive user interaction
  • Precise operation control
  • 5 L flask capacity
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Combi-Clip
  • Additional glass assemblies and configurations

The R-300 Rotavapor® has an ergonomic handle for easy positioning of the evaporation flask in to and out of the water bath. The I-300 interface is the central control unit for all process parameters of the Rotavapor R-300. This includes rotation speed; lift position; heating, cooling, and vapor temperature and pressure control. The I-300 interface also controls the V-300 vacuum pump and chiller (if applicable), providing reliable performance throughout the evaporation. The patented multipurpose Combi-clip with snap lock-mechanism provides for quick flask connection and detachment with one hand.

Included is the V-300 vacuum pump, providing quiet vacuum over the course of your evaporation. The I-300 interface controls the pump and chiller while providing a central location to regulate each evaporation parameter.

Certifications: CE and CSA compliant.

Accessories information: I-300 standard or I-300 Pro controller interface included. V-300 vacuum pump included. A recirculating chiller is optional and recommended for vertical condensers.

Ordering information: All accessories and connections are included for out of the box usage. Optional 1L bath, safety shield, >1L evaporation flasks, different joint size glassware, cooling valve for in-house cooling, and vacuum valve for in-house vacuum are available as accessories (sold separately). Additional glass assemblies and configurations are available. Please contact your Avantor representative for more information.
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