Ranger™ Series Dual Wire Resistance Monitor, Transforming Technologies

Supplier: Transforming Technologies
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CM1600 CM1601 CM1602
10837-010EA 379.93 USD
10837-010 10837-012 10837-014
Ranger™ Series Dual Wire Resistance Monitor, Transforming Technologies
Static Control Monitors
The Resistance Ranger™ Series is the most reliable workstation monitoring system available

Resistance based monitoring is the most complete wrist strap monitoring system available. Workstations using resistance monitors are almost never at risk for a failed ground connection. This type of monitor is used with a two wire (dual conductor) wrist strap. When a person is wearing a wrist strap, the monitor observes the resistance of the loop, consisting of a wire, a person, a wristband, and a second wire. If any part of the loop should open (become disconnected or have out of limit resistance), the circuit will go into the alarm state.

The extremely sensitive monitors accurately measure the electrical resistance of an ESD wrist band and work surface and then signal if the devices fail. Audible and visible alarms are triggered if the operator’s resistance exceeds 35meg ohm, or if the work surface exceeds 100meg ohm. The Ranger™ Series saves time by eliminating the time consuming testing of wrist straps and coil cords. Available as wrist strap only monitor as well.
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