Motic SMZ-161 Stereo Microscope

Supplier: VWR International
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1101001402841 1101001402361 1101001901791 1101001901781 1101001901771
89168-444EA 54 USD
89168-444 89168-446 89168-448 19000-196 19000-558 10767-520 10767-522 10767-524 10767-526 10767-528 10767-530 10767-532 10768-128 10768-130 10768-132 10768-184 10768-186 10768-188 10768-190
Motic SMZ-161 Stereo Microscope
Employing the Greenough stereoscopic optical system, the Motic SMZ-161 series of stereo microscopes provides large-scale zoom ratio and the clearest image, with high distortion-free resolution and depth of field for sharp, 3-dimensional images

The Greenough optical system delivers clear and distortion-free images with an improved zoom range of 6:1. Parfocality is ensured while running through the complete magnification range; a click-stop mechanism, implemented in the continuous zoom, enables precise reproduction of magnifications. The extended 110mm working distance in its standard configuration gives sufficient space for sample manipulation, using a convincing 3-dimensional upright image. Convincing optical performance, combined with a small footprint and robust mechanics, makes the SMZ-161 ideal for most applications in education and industry.

Designed with a high eye point and a comfortable viewing angle of 45°, the SMZ-161 enables users to work with prolonged hours of viewing without any discomfort felt in the neck and shoulders.

Ordering information: Microscope is supplied with stands, stage accessories, micrometer reticles, additional illumination, polarizing equipment, Darkfield equipment, Barlow lenses. Microscope is customizable with various accessories. For all available options, please contact your local Avantor sales representative. All Motic products come with a one-year electrical and five-year mechanical warranty.
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