Uprights and Profiles for Modular Workstations

Supplier: Treston
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860024-49 860025-49 UTM1X1200L-49 UTM1X1200L-SW UTM1X1200M-49 UTM1X1200M-SW UTM1X1500L-49 UTM1X1500L-SW UTM1X1500M-49 UTM2X900S-49 UTM3X500L-49 UTM3X500M-49 UTM3X500S-49 UTM4X500L-49 UTM4X500M-49 UTM4X500S-49 UTM1X1500M-SW UTM1X1800L-49 UTM1X1800L-SW UTM1X1800M-49 UTM1X1800M-SW UTM1X750L-49 UTM1X750M-49 HPM1000-49 HPM1200-49 HPM1200-SW HPM1350-49 HPM1500-49 HPM1500-SW HPM1800-49 UTM1X750S-49 UTM1X900L-49 UTM1X900M-49 UTM1X900S-49 UTM2X500L-49 UTM2X500M-49 UTM2X500S-49 UTM2X750L-49 UTM2X750L-SW HPM1800-SW HPM2000-49 HPM500-49 HPM750-49 HPM750-SW HPM900-49 HPM900-SW UTM2X750M-49 UTM2X750M-SW UTM2X750S-49 UTM2X900L-49 UTM2X900L-SW UTM2X900M-49 UTM2X900M-SW
10117-484EA 265.02 USD
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Uprights and Profiles for Modular Workstations
Furniture Casework
Slotted uprights allow for easy attachment of Sovella workstation accessories to Sovella benches.

  • Uprights available in single and double bays

Ordering information: Upright kits include vertical uprights, horizontal tube, and corner/T brackets. Installation is required. Assembly videos available.
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