Drive Rolls-Batch Mills, Sepor

Supplier: SEPOR CA
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010E-003 010E-001 010E-002
CA11020-350EA 25853.04 USD
CA11020-350 CA10118-256 CA10118-258
Drive Rolls-Batch Mills, Sepor
This rugged unit is widely used in metallurgical laboratories for grinding, cyanidation, amalgamation, mixing, and other conditioning.

Designed to roll the Ball/Rod Mills as well as other containers up to 5 gallons in volume. The 13 x 61cm (D x L) rubber covered rolls, set on 25cm centres are lathe cut to promote central rotation and minimize migration. The tubular steel frame has a rack with liquid-tight sides and a perforated discharge grate. The grate retains the grinding media while allowing the product to fall into the receiving drawer below. The underside of the grate is equipped with drip flanges to prevent sample loss. The rolls can be driven at any incremental speed, between 40 and 230rpm, by a 1/2 HP DC motor with a SCR motor controller. Mill containers are sold seperately. 115-230V/1ph/60Hz.
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