GeneMate SnapStrip® PCR Tubes with Individual Attached Dome Caps, 8-Strip 0.2 ml, Scientific Specialties

Supplier: GeneMate
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3240-00-212IS 3240-09-210IS
490003-692BX 418.66 USD
490003-692 490003-694 490003-696 490003-698 490003-700 490003-702 490003-704
GeneMate SnapStrip® PCR Tubes with Individual Attached Dome Caps, 8-Strip 0.2 ml, Scientific Specialties
Tubes PCR Tubes
The SnapStrip is an attached 8-strip of tubes with each tube in the strip having its own individual attached dome cap. Another unique and innovative feature of the tubes are user's ability to create a strip of less than 8 tubes with caps by simply breaking the strip where desired.

  • Ulta-thin wall for optimum heat transfer
  • Certified free from DNase, RNase, and detectable DNA

A strip of 2 or more tubes is easier and safer to use and manipulate than are single tubes with caps.

Flexibility: create a 4-strip today, create a 6-strip tomorrow. The individual tubes may also be used with the 0.2 or 0.5 ml adapters.

Packaging: Packaged as 120 Strips of 8, case has 10 packs of 120 strips of 8.
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