Ultraviolet Photo-Oxidation Apparatus, Ace Glass Incorporated

Supplier: Ace Glass
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7900-12 7900-13 7900-30 7900-31 7900-71 7900-74 7900-81
89061-492EA 355.37 USD
89061-492 89061-494 89061-496 89061-498 89061-500 89061-502 89061-504
Ultraviolet Photo-Oxidation Apparatus, Ace Glass Incorporated
Standard unit for liberation of inorganic phosphate from organically bound phosphorus compounds, oxidation of carbon in organic matter and oxidation of organic nitrogen compounds

Additional applications include decomposition of organo-metallic compounds, providing organicfree samples for culture, nutrition and vitamin assay, destruction of algal suspensions, and oxidation of sediment or residue samples.

Apparatus consists of a cylindrical lamp housing with twelve-position sample tube chamber for twelve quartz tubes of approximately 100 mL capacity that surround a 1200 watt medium pressure photochemical lamp. Access door is provided for set-up, inspection and repairs only — for your safety, do not use this door while the unit is in operation. A cooling fan is located at bottom of housing for air movement. Lamp power supply includes a manual or automatic twelve-hour timer selector for programming exposure time. Available in 230v, 60Hz. or 230v, 50Hz. Lamp housing measures 12" wide x 20" deep x 36" high, and weighs 75 lbs. Power supply measures 11" wide x 18" deep x 11" high, and weighs approximately 75 lbs.

Oxidation of organic compounds in water and sediment samples is accomplished by exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the presence of excess oxygen. Organically bound phosphorus is liberated as the ortho-phosphate in as little as one hour. Organic matter is oxidized to CO2. Nitrogen compounds are oxidized to the nitrate and nitrite ions.
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