Duke Standards™ Particle-Size Standards, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: EPREDIA
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100496-292EA 772.84 USD
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Duke Standards™ Particle-Size Standards, Electron Microscopy Sciences
Standards Chromatography Standards

Particle-size standards are certified for mean diameter and are traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Duke Scientific's new line of standards in the submicrometer size range is called Nanosphere Size Standards™, and monosized polymer microspheres.

Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform polystyrene spheres calibrated in billionths of a meter (nanometer) with NBS traceable methodology. Nanosphere size standards are used in the calibration of electron microscopes, aerosol and liquid particle studies, chromatography columns, and laser light scattering studies. The 20 to 1000 nm range is suitable for checking the size of bacteria, viruses, ribosomes and sub-cellular components.

Monosized polymer microspheres are the most uniform spheres available. For the highest level of measurement accuracy in the 1 to 40 micron size, this series of size standards is recommended.

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