Fluorescent Demo Kit

A demo kit is a great way to try out fluorescent Western blotting in your own lab with your own samples and primary antibodies.

It the supplies you need to perform single color fluorescent Western blotting:

  • PVDF Membrane
  • Fluorescent Blot Wash Buffer
  • Fluorescent Blot Blocking Buffer
  • Secondary Antibody
  • 2 Quenching Sheets

AzureSpectra Demo Kits are avalible with the following secondary antibodies and wavelengths: 

  • Goat α-Mouse 700
  • Goat α-Rabbit 700
  • Goat α-Mouse 800
  • Goat α-Rabbit 800
  • Goat α-Mouse 650
  • Goat α-Rabbit 650
  • Goat α-Mouse 550
  • Goat α-Rabbit 550
  • Goat α-Mouse 490
  • Goat α-Rabbit 490

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