You Searched For: Water Samplers

Water samplers collect small quantities from various sources to provide accurate data regarding the fluid condition. Portable and stationary samplers conduct either composite or discrete sampling. In automatic models, interval controls allow users to set precise times for individual samples to be collected or flow-proportional sampling for consistent, reproducible results. The water samplers evaluate color, health of living organisms, and identifying chemicals present to assess the overall quality.

Water samplers collect small quantities from various sources to provide accurate data regarding the fluid condition. Portable and stationary samplers conduct either composite or discrete sampling. In automatic models, interval controls allow users to set precise times for individual samples to be collected or flow-proportional sampling for consistent, reproducible results. The water samplers evaluate color, health of living organisms, and identifying chemicals present to assess the overall quality.

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Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: The Storm Water Sampler is a convenient and affordable device for collecting quaterly storm water grab samples in compliance with EPA sampling requirements

Catalog Number: (470112-696)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Easy Water Sampling

Catalog Number: (470001-822)
Description: Four-piece set of professional equipment.

Catalog Number: (470225-442)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Collect water samples quickly and easily.

Catalog Number: (470308-892)
Supplier: Science First
Description: This is the grab to choose for soft, finely divided littoral bottoms that are free from vegetation, such as sticks and decayed leaves (or with short, erect vegetation only). Also suitable for intermixtures of sand, stones, and other coarse debris.

Supplier: LaMotte
Description: This 8", black and white disk is used to determine the turbidity of natural water.

Catalog Number: (470006-660)
Supplier: Science First
Description: Compact Benthic Dredge with Large Sample Grab

Catalog Number: (470112-698)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Easily Collect Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Catalog Number: (470017-596)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: Go Deep Sea Diving With Your Water Sampler

Supplier: Peco Sales
Description: Perfect for Introductory Plankton Sampling

Catalog Number: (470021-242)
Supplier: Science First
Description: Smaller Size for Benthic Invertebrates

Catalog Number: (470308-880)
Supplier: Science First
Description: Water sampler for samples of lake, river, or stream water.

Catalog Number: (470018-632)
Description: Replaceable Tip Ensures Long-Lasting Wear

Catalog Number: (66175-253)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Plankton net are made of cone-shaped nets with nylon cloth to collect plankton in a removable, clear conical graduated tube attached at the end of the net.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (470018-532)
Supplier: Science First
Description: Has All the Components Necessary to Start Collecting Samples Right Away

Supplier: Science First
Description: Nets allow horizontal or vertical tows for plankton analysis.

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