You Searched For: Gas Washing Bottles

Gas washing bottles are typically used to saturate a liquid with a gas or a gas with another vapor. These graduated containers can also be used to precipitating elements from gas or dry gas streams. Stable extended bases keep the borosilicate glass or durable polyethylene containers upright. Effective in humidifying carbon dioxide-air mixtures, gas washing bottles maintain high humidity in gassed cell culture incubators.

Gas washing bottles are typically used to saturate a liquid with a gas or a gas with another vapor. These graduated containers can also be used to precipitating elements from gas or dry gas streams. Stable extended bases keep the borosilicate glass or durable polyethylene containers upright. Effective in humidifying carbon dioxide-air mixtures, gas washing bottles maintain high humidity in gassed cell culture incubators.

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Supplier: Corning
Description: PYREX®, borosilicate glass.
Catalog Number: (14208-824)
Supplier: Wilmad-LabGlass
Description: These Dreschel tall form gas washing bottles are made of borosilicate glass and include a stopper component that contains gas inlet and outlet tubes.

Catalog Number: (16404-701)
Supplier: Bel-Art Products
Description: Graduated 250 ml polypropylene cylinder, with a stable extended base for use in precipitating elements from gas.

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This 270 ml gas washing bottle features an inner coil.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (14203-770)
Supplier: Wilmad-LabGlass
Description: Generally used to saturate or dry gas streams, these borosilicate glass gas washing bottles have standard taper 45/50 top joint and stopper component containing gas inlet and outlet tubes.

Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
Description: Tall form bottles feature a coarse or extra coarse porosity fritted cylinder to maximize dispersion, 29/42 standard taper joints.

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: This Dreschel gas washing bottle is high form, with standard taper 24/40 outer joint.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Corning
Description: Made of PYREX®, borosilicate glass.
Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
Description: The design of the atmospheric environmental bottle is recommended by the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES).

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Gas washing bottles feature a 50 or 75 mm glass fritted disc.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
Description: Tall form gas washing bottle with full length joint with hooks and fritted disc.

Catalog Number: (14207-580)
Supplier: Wilmad-LabGlass
Description: These borosilicate glass gas washing bottles are generally used to saturate or dry gas streams.

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: The gas washing bottle features a 25 mm glass fritted disc.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Gas washing bottle features a 25 mm glass fritted disc.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (16416-020)
Supplier: Corning
Description: PYREX® borosilicate glass.

Catalog Number: (89428-056)
Supplier: Ace Glass
Description: Newly designed gas washing bottle with the convenience of Ace-Threds.

Small Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

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