You Searched For: Cell Spreaders

Smoothly smear growth mediums in petri-dishes or plates more rapidly and uniformly with cell spreaders. All spreaders were designed for the most ideal distribution for the best bacteria growth testing conditions. Select from any of the three edgeless styles; L-shape, T-shape, or triangular shaped bars. The upward end tip in any L-shaped spreader specifically prevents agar tearing. Cell spreaders are manufactured in a variety of materials. Bar widths and handle lengths vary to fit sample size needs.

Smoothly smear growth mediums in petri-dishes or plates more rapidly and uniformly with cell spreaders. All spreaders were designed for the most ideal distribution for the best bacteria growth testing conditions. Select from any of the three edgeless styles; L-shape, T-shape, or triangular shaped bars. The upward end tip in any L-shaped spreader specifically prevents agar tearing. Cell spreaders are manufactured in a variety of materials. Bar widths and handle lengths vary to fit sample size needs.

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Supplier: VWR International
Description: Convenient and economical cell spreaders are designed to simplify bacterial culture work.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Hand-operated inoculating turntables produce almost concentric circles of bacterial colonies evenly distributed across Petri dishes.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: VWR® disposable T-shaped Cell Spreaders are ideal for spreading bacterial cultures evenly.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Smooth-edged spreaders are excellent for spreading cultures and liquids without unwanted cutting, scraping, or gouging of agar during inoculation.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Disposable L-shaped cell spreaders are ideal for spreading cell or bacterial cultures evenly.
Supplier: Zymo Research
Description: Rattler™ Plating Beads are typically used for easy plating of bacteria or yeast.

Supplier: Corning
Description: These spreaders are made of PS.
Catalog Number: (89423-150)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: LoopCaddy™, stand that holds disposable loops for ready use.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Bel-Art Products
Description: For spreading cells onto the surface of an agar plate to form individual colonies.

Catalog Number: (10118-328)
Supplier: Simport Scientific
Description: Made of high impact polystyrene, the bacterial cell spreader is designed for easy spreading of cells onto the surface of an agar plate.

Catalog Number: (470004-860)
Supplier: Dunrite Instruments
Description: Special Design Evenly Distributes Bacteria

Supplier: Tradewinds Direct
Description: Cell Spreaders are ideal for the even spreading of bacterial cultures.

Small Business Enterprise Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: ColiRollers™ Plating Beads offer a better way to perform a routine procedure-plating bacteria
Supplier: Dynalon
Description: Made of color-coded styrene, these inoculating loops are easy to organize.

Catalog Number: (102091-068)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Made from high impact polystyrene. No flame sterilization needed. Designed for easy spreading of cells onto the surface of an agar plate. Supplied sterile in individually packs. Total length of handle: 176 mm, width of spreader: 36 mm. Color green.

Catalog Number: (102097-026)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Smooth spreading surface achieved with manufacturing parting line near top of head.

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